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sweet color怎么发音,帮忙翻译成英语

来源:整理 时间:2023-07-20 13:15:31 编辑:隐形眼镜 手机版


Some sweet words is just for lonely, not for talking Young heart should be left in love but hurt Black hair should fly for fresh wind not cover the way of the world Kiss me, when the color of lip is still red When he is quite and silent When the heart have not held up and escaped yet Let hold your hand when she has not had to guard yet Addicted in eyes when love is blind Let,s love,when the night has not been over yet 纯手工翻译



I am a cherry. I am red. I taste very sweet. I have a round shaped body. I taste delicious. 本来我不想回答的,都这么多人了,一定轮不到我。 但一想,如果翻译得比他们好,楼主因该会选我把?=)
I am a cherry, my color is red. I very sweet. My shape is round. I very delicious.
I am a cherry, my color is red. I am very sweet. My shape is round. I am very delicious
我是一个樱桃,我的颜色是红色的。我很甜。我的形状是圆的。我很好吃。 I am a cherry. I am red and sweet, round and yummy.



Xiao li to the travel agency submitted applications for the position
Xiao li passed his applation of job to the travel agency.
lee submit an applicantion about job hunting.
Some sweet words is just for lonely, not for talking Young heart should be left in love but hurt Black hair should fly for fresh wind not cover the way of the world Kiss me, when the color of lip is still red When he is quite and silent When the heart have not held up and escaped yet Let hold your hand when she has not had to guard yet Addicted in eyes when love is blind Let,s love,when the night has not been over yet 纯手工翻译



①、In fact, how I want to be with you forever. ②、I want is so simple, why do you have to give. ③、I dare to say, I love you more than her
①, how I want to be with you forever. ②, I want to be so simple, why you do not want to give. ③, dare I say, I love you better than her
Some sweet words is just for lonely, not for talking Young heart should be left in love but hurt Black hair should fly for fresh wind not cover the way of the world Kiss me, when the color of lip is still red When he is quite and silent When the heart have not held up and escaped yet Let hold your hand when she has not had to guard yet Addicted in eyes when love is blind Let,s love,when the night has not been over yet 纯手工翻译


粉红色 :pink红色 Red 紫色 Purple 蓝色 Blue 玫红 Rose 粉红 Pink 彩叶草 Colens标准混色 Formula Mixed 古铜色 Bronze 柠檬黄 Lemon 魔力 Magic 摩西 Mosaic 桔黄色 Orange 天鹅绒红 Red Velvet 玫瑰红 Rose 红宝石红 Ruby 橙红玫瑰红 Salmon Rose 黄色 Yellow “绚丽”彩虹系列 “Superfine Rainbow” 橙红色带花边 Salmon Lace 华丽 Color Pride 欢乐之舞 Festive Dance 七彩彩虹 Multicolor Rainbow 红天鹅绒 Red Velvet 混色 Mixed 白色 White 深粉红色 Blush pink 洋红色 Carmine 粉红色 Pink 粉红色眼 Pink Eye 桔红色 Orange 黄色 Yellow 黄色黑心 Yellow With Black Center 橙色黑心 Orange With Black Center 猩红Scarlet 紫色 Purple 橙红 Salmon 白色红心 White with Eye 大红 Red 橙红 Salmon 粉色红眼 Shell Pink 紫色溅开色 Purple Splash 粉红溅开色 Pink Splash 橙红溅开色 Salmon Splash 深红色 Crimson 红色白边 Picotee 紫红色 Purple 桃红色 Carmine Rose 紫红色白边 Purple Picotee 淡腥红色 Pastel Scarlet 桔黄色渐变色 Orange Shades 玫瑰色渐变色 Rose Shades 玫瑰与粉红色 Rose and Pink 蓝与白色 Blue and White 红与白色 Red and White 淡蓝色 Light Blue 天蓝渐变色 Sky Blue Shades 标准混色 Formula Mixed 纯蓝 True Blue 纯蓝带白心 True Blue With White Throat 红色带白 Red With White Edge 玫瑰红带白心 Rose Red With White Throat 古代稀 Godetia 深玫瑰红 Deep Rose 淡紫色 Lavender 淡玫瑰色 Lilac Rose 橙红色 Salmon 淡紫色 Lavender 肉色 Shell Pink 羞红色 Bulsh 洋红色玫瑰色 Carmine Rose 珊瑚红 Coral 深橙色 Deep Salmon 淡紫色 Lavender 浅粉红色 Light Pink 霓红玫瑰红 Neon Rose 桔红色 Orange 蓝色 Blue 粉红色 Pink 白色 White 黄色 Yellow 蓝色 Blue 蓝色镶边 Blue Picotee 淡蓝色 Light Blue 纯白色 Pure White 粉红色镶边 Pink Picotee 淡玫瑰红 Lilac Rose 单边多枝性“海蒂系列” Single “Heidi Series” 1M 1,000 144.00 标准混色 Formula Mixed 橙红色 Salmon 蓝色镶边 Blue Rim lmp 樱花红 Cherry Blossom 深蓝色 Deep Blue 天蓝色 Sky Blue 淡紫色 Orchid 淡蓝色 Pastel Blue 粉红色镶边 Pink Rim 淡玫瑰色 Lilac Rose 蓝色镶边 Blue Rim 淡蓝色 Light Blue 玫瑰镶边 Rose Rim 亮黄色 Spry 焰红色 Flame 纯黄 Yellow 蓝帽子 Blue Cap 淡黄色 Canary 焰红色 Flame 海蓝 Ocean 红帽子 Red Cap 雪白 Snow 蓝色渐变色 Blue Shades 玫瑰渐变色 Rose Shades 红黄双色 Red and Yellow Bicolor 猩红色渐变色 Scarlet Shades 白色带斑 White with Blotch 黄色带斑 Yellow with Blotch 桔黄色带斑 Orange with Blotch 紫色/黄色带斑 Purple/Yellow with Blotch 白色带玫瑰色斑 White with Rose Blotch 蓝色带斑 Blue with Blotch 玫瑰色带斑 Rose with Blotch 猩红色带斑 Scarlet with Blotch 深蓝色带斑 Deep Blue with Bblotch 红色/黄色带斑 Red/Yellow with Blotch 白色带斑 White with Blotch 黄色带斑 Yellow with Blotch 黄色带红斑 Yellow with Red Blotch 天蓝色 Azure 奶油色 Cream 金色 Golden 海蓝色 Marina 蓝色黄色 Blue & Yellow 丝绸色 Chiffon 深蓝色 Deep Blue 红色黄色 Red & Yellow 奶白色 Sherbet 霞红色 Sunset 黄色 Yellow 改良深蓝 Deep Blue Imp New 改良纯蓝 True Blue New 蓝芯 Blue Center 桔黄色 Orange 樱草色 Primrose 天蓝色 Sky Blue 粉红色 Blush Pink 红葡萄酒色 Burgundy 珊瑚色 Coral 淡紫色 Lilac 深玫瑰色 Deep Rose 淡橙红色 Pastel Salmon 晨粉红 Pink Morn 晨红色 Red Morn 叶脉标准混色 Vein Formula Mixed
pink (p?ngk) n.Any of a group of colors reddish in hue, of medium to high lightness, and of low to moderate saturation.Any of various plants of the genus Dianthus, such as the carnation and sweet William, often cultivated for their showy fragrant flowers.Any of various other plants, such as the wild pink and the moss pink.A flower of any of these plants.The highest or best degree: in the pink of health.


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